Contact Information

São Felix do Xingu – PA
Rod. PA 279, Km 272 – CEP: 68380-000
Tel.: +55 94 3435 1240

Água Azul do Norte – PA
Rod. PA 279, Km 75 – CEP: 68533-000
Tel.:+55 94 3427 1600

Lençóis Paulista – SP (Cattle)
Rua Dr. Gabriel de Oliveira Rocha, 704 – CEP: 18681-030
Tel.: +55 14 3269 3900

São Paulo – SP
Avenida Dr. Chucri Zaidan, 1550 – CEP: 04711-130
Vila São Francisco (Zona Sul) – Conj. 1016 e 1017

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