FriGol’s Annual and Sustainability Report

One of the greatest challenges of the contemporary world is the production of food in a sustainable way for a growing world population. Aware of our responsibility to the planet, we have a series of policies, processes and initiatives that make up FriGol’s environmental management.

We adopt the pillars of sustainability and are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2030). These guidelines subsidize our management, which values the best socio-environmental and corporate governance (ESG) practices.

We monitor 100% of the animals originated in all biomes where we operate. We bring traceability to the final consumer in the domestic and foreign markets through QR codes in 100% of products, in tree languages (Portuguese, English and Chinese). The monitoring of producers is conducted through the SMGeo platform, which evaluates the following criteria for properties and cattle breeders.

  • Free from illegal deforestation, regardless of the biome where they originate;
  • Free from invasion of indigenous lands, quilombolas or conservation units;
  • Free from Ibama embargoes, and/or illegal deforestation published by the Departments of the Environment;
  • Free from forced and/or slave labor;
  • Free from child labor;
  • CAR in regular situation and without changes in CAR limits;
  • Presentation of the Rural Environmental Licensing (LAR) for properties above 3,000 hectares (mandatory for the State of Pará).
  • Animal Transport Guide (GTA) issued subject to purchase operations.
  • Index of animal productivity per hectare without exceeding 3 heads/. For confined and/or semiconfined properties, superior productivity is accepted as long as self-declaration with photos, evidence, geographical coordinates and owner’s signature is issued.

Indirect suppliers

In the coming years, one of the great challenges is to enable the monitoring of indirect suppliers. Our goal is to reach 100% by 2030, applying the same protocols addressed to direct suppliers, in all biomes and for all production units.

However, we intend to anticipate for 2025 the mitigation of indirect level 1 deforestation, that is, that originated by suppliers of our direct suppliers.

To comply with Febraban Protocol – SARB26, FriGol discloses the outcome of the Level 1 Indirect Suppliers Monitoring for the base year 2023.

Environmental indicators

Waste and Tailings Management

We have implemented a set of initiatives aimed at reducing, reusing and recycling as many materials as possible, as well as minimizing or eliminating waste to landfills.

The goals related to the topic include to encourage the application of post-consumer recycled materials in packaging and reduce 30% of the volume of waste destined for landfill by 2025.


Energy Management


For 2023 and 2024, we acquired 100% renewable electricity. With this, we will meet our goal of using 100% of electricity from renewable sources two years ahead of the deadline set for 2025. We also started studies for contracting renewable energy selfproduction projects, solar or wind matrix.



Water and Effluent Management

We have in all our units Effluent Treatment Plants, which treat 100% of the water of the process used in the industry, returning it to the environment in accordance with the current legislation.

FriGol is not inserted in areas of water stress, however, the targets were set in line with the UN SDGs in 2021. Our goal is to reduce water consumption by 15% per m ³/head slaughtered by 2025.





We seek biomass self-sufficiency in Pará, used in the production of steam for industrial units, through a planting project of approximately 280 hectares of eucalyptus, divided between the cities of Água Azul do Norte and São Félix do Xingu. The project began in 2021 and will provide 100% autonomy until 2028, in addition to contributing to the reduction of atmospheric emissions generated in the transport of firewood, which, in Pará, can reach a distance of 700 km. In the meantime, we purchase biomass of certified origin only.




We are aware of the impact of climate change on people’s lives and the conduct of our business and, for this reason, we seek to establish targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and are building our action plan to reduce our emissions.



Partnerships for Sustainable Livestock

We actively engage in working groups dedicated to promoting sustainable livestock practices in Brazil, and we have formed partnerships with NGOs focused on socio-environmental initiatives aimed at reducing deforestation.